Elevate Your Energy,
Transform Your Life

Welcome to Telaesthetic Healing, Your Personal Portal to Energy Mastery

About Telaesthetic Healing

At Telaesthetic Healing™, we believe in the profound impact of energy work on the physical, aethereal, astral, and mental bodies / planes inter alia beyond. Our platform is a sanctuary for those seeking holistic healing and mystico-spiritual growth. With a foundation rooted in compassion and knowledge, we offer a diverse range of workshops and training programs.

Our founder, lan Saige Dawson, a seasoned energy work practitioner with over a decade worth of esoteric healing experience, envisioned a space where individuals could delve into the collective realms of Shamanism, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Yoga, Qigong and the vast array of mysteries within the unknown. This vision led to the creation of a meta-synthesis platform that approaches and ideally surpasses that of conventional healing, providing personalized sessions and subscription-based services.

Join us on this revolutionary yet transitory path en route through enlightenment.

Allopathic healthcare professionals as well as innumerous modernized treatments are very much so encouraged and well advised to be referred to, prior to as well as during an initial adopttion of other sources regarding one’s care. In seeking out a secondary, tertiary, or quaternary, it’s advisable to defer to your primary medical consultant for a well stabilized and equilibrized internal constitution. Telaesthetic Healing™ for their part advocates against  discounting or the outright dismissal of conventional medicinal & therapeutic measures. Additionally, most homeopathic, complementary and alternative services also have their constraints inherent as well with all forms of individualized advisory and generalized care plans that are subject to their own corresponsive limitations, as well as their respective checks, editing, and quality control measures to ensure appreciable accuracy in assessing the needs of their clients.


Our Transformative Services

Mantra of Light (2)
Deity Installation

Experience a process like no other. This practice extends far beyond a mere attunement for any Deity, Buddha or "Ascended Master". This combinatory pairing of deities is an esoteric Tendai / Shingon Tantric transmission, which originates in an ancient collation of passages from the yogic tradition. You may select up to fifteen deities in which you would like to work with, as they will be "installed" in your body. This process augments any energy work that you take part in as well as deepens your spiritual abilities as well, especially if you actively work alongside your spiritual supportive team. (Disclaimer: it could be advantageous to select your deities from either the Hindu or an Asiatic Pantheon as this practice is closely connected to these cultures but this isn't a prerequisite) (150$)

Weekly Healing Sessions

Immerse yourself in the spiritual healing energetic frequencies of our weekly sessions, designed to restore balance and vitality to your mind, body, soul, and spirit. Specific areas of concern to focus on can be requested additionally. (25$) (per x amount of weeks selected)

Special/Emergency Healing Package

Whether you need a more chronic issue addressed or immediate support < 24hrs? Our on-demand package offers three consecutive sessions, providing an exceptionally powerful compounded revivification in times of unprecedented events. (95$)

Customized Meditative Tracks

Elevate your meditative practices with subtle energetically infused custom curated tracks, curated with unique and scarcely known frequencies to augment your desired outcome. We can create any specific tracks to resonate with your unique energetic signature print for whatever you may require. (40$)

Monthly Shamanic Mentoring Course

Empower yourself with ancient and multiple modernized techniques in time-tested spirit, psychical, and metaphysically dependable methods. Learn to protect, harness, and redirect your own inner subtle forces in a multitude of situations. Uncover your hidden and higher self with shamanic journeying to reveal otherwise hidden answers with your own spirit, and so much more. (60$)

Psi-Devo Practitioner’s Course

Would you like to gain &/or fine tune your multiple subtle psychical senses with advanced, contemporary, & traditional techniques formulated to cultivate your delphic psychic abilities? Although it is true that these “superpowers” are truly innate to our being, we have become detached through a multitude of factors to be able to tap in and further step into our otherwise natural inborn gifts. All of our storehouse of techniques will have roots in various traditions spanning the globe. If you wish to train to remove the limitations setting you back and protect yourself so you can truly take ahold of your daily life, personal power, and energy in any situation, then this course should be exactly what you are looking for. *Results can visibly present themselves in as little to 4-6 weeks for the majority of individuals.* (725$)

Tarot Service

Discover hidden treasures within yourself. Experience mysticism like never before! If you long to reveal any hidden insights, find clarity, or attain kind of guidance, this very well could be what you've been searching for. With every card that's overturned.. You are allowing the intuitive magic to ferry you beyond the sea of all that's unknown to that which luminously lies ahead. Experience the ancient mystique pulled back enough from cartomancy with our superb & sublime sessions. We will be utilizing a unique combination of various Tarot Decks & Lenormand Oracle Cards.! (ie. the most accurate of its kind). Delve into the arcane symbolism, occult meanings, and intuitive insights in and behind each spread. (60$)

Reiki Mentoring (weekly-monthly)

Dive deeper into the mystical art of Reiki with our monthly mentoring sessions. Receive guidance, insights, and practical wisdom to anchor your skills and spiritual journey. (35$)

Usui Reiki Ryoho Virtual Workshop (LVI)

This is a comprehensive workshop for those who want to learn the first of the three levels of study in the Usui method of esoteric healing with an exclusive one on one training offered by an advanced esoteric practitioner of some of the great mystical arts. This training endeavors to achieve the improvement of one's command, capability, and capacity in the scope of their esoteric practice/energy work in a quite broad sense. All workshops have/will be tailored to the needs of the student in the most significant manner possible. (200$)

Usui Reiki Ryoho Virtual Workshop (Lv II)

This is a comprehensive workshop for those who want to further their educational, experiential learning, and practice of the Usui method of healing with an exclusive one on one training offered by an advanced esoteric practitioner of some of the great mystical arts. This training endeavors to achieve the continued improvement of one's command, capability, and capacity in the scope of their esoteric practice/energy work in a quite broad sense. All workshops have/will be tailored to the needs of the student in the most significant manner possible. (200$)

Usui Reiki Ryoho Virtual Workshop (Lv III)

This is a comprehensive workshop for those who wish to fulfill their experiential learning in the conclusive training and practice of the Usui method of healing with an exclusive one on one training offered by an advanced esoteric practitioner of some of the great mystical arts. This training endeavors to achieve the improvement of one's command, capability, and capacity in the scope of their esoteric practice/energy work in a quite broad sense. All workshops have/will be tailored to the needs of the student in the most significant manner possible. (400$)

30m Distance Healing Service

With our remote healing session you will receive energetic emanations from an expert practitioner or for whomever you wish to be the recipient. Location is of no consequence, as wherever one is available to receive will (as long as they are inclined, receptive, and cognizant of the transfer). Absent Healing has the ability to be effective without the need for one's visible physical presence and can be felt across the entire world as this has been repeated shown through ages. (35$)

90m Distance Healing Service

Elevate your energy, even from afar! Experience the power of this distance Reiki session. Let the waves of the sacred higher vibrational energies wash over you, restoring balance and harmony within, regardless of where you are at the moment. You can tap into this transformative healing energy and 'feel' a potentially wide range of sensory experiences, especially if you choose to enter into a proper meditative state while the energy is proceeding. (75$)

∇ Reiki Mawashi ∇
This is a practice that will involve three or more practitioners working in shifts, and or in tandem providing Reiki in a continuous session, even potentially spanning many hours, or days for a single client. This has experientially been shown to provide for a shorter treatment time overall for more prolific interventions, and the intensity of the treatment is demonstrably increased as more practitioners are involved.   (COMING SOON)

Other Services

I’m certified in multiple forms of Reiki. I’m a Usui Ryoho/ Tibetan Reiki Master, Karuna Ki Reiki Master, Holy Fire Reiki Master, Grand Reiki Master, & Seichim Master. Additionally I practice various types of disciplines: holistic, traditional and integrative energy / spirit work to better understand and affect the micro and macrocosmic order to bring about numerous planes of comprehensive healing.

Specifically, I practice:

•Pranic Healing
•Johrei (Practitioner)
•Shamanism (Siberian)
•Qi-Gong (Practitioner)
•Yoga (Kriya)
(Certified Yoga Teacher)
(Certified in Ericksonian HYP) 
•Psychology (Jungian)
Diploma in:
-Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
•Advanced Meditations
(Certified Teacher)

I’m here to reveal unto you the hidden, the arcane, the elements in life that you’re not really meant to know experientially about, only to critique philosophically from afar.
“Power rests on the kind of knowledge one holds. What is the sense of knowing things that are useless?”


Spontaneous Knee Healing

I’m still in shock by this reiki session. I am a long-time competitive weightlifter with many injuries. My knee was having sharp pain for weeks and I had to stop training. I honestly came in with no expectations. I went in just open-minded and ready to receive. The session is so transformative…I could air squat without any knee pain. This is something I can’t do even on a good day. I was so shocked..I was saying “no way” to myself for hours. Also, I ended up having such deep sleep, I only slept 6 hours but I felt so restored. I’m low key weirded out and afraid the pain will come back because it went away completely. I trained today like nothing happened. My close teammates are spooked too. I don’t know what I did to deserve to meet Ian and receive this healing, but he was so generous.. patient and amazingly calming. Thank you so much!!

Review for Ian's Energy Work Sessions

Ian was such a kind, compassionate and patient healer. He really takes the time to get to know you and takes time to understand you and your problems, he really cares about his clients! His energetic session was amazing, I was super amazing on how powerful it was, I was anxious, paranoid and slightly depressed before he started and after he was done I felt amazing. I am so lucky and grateful to have found him. Thank you so much!!

Reiki Session with Ian

Ian is very knowledgeable and willing to help and answer any questions you have. He has inspired me to pursue the healing arts, something I have always put off. I have received many healing sessions from other practitioners, Ian’s sessions are very gentle and curious. I felt a lot of sensations during the session, and it has helped myself process a lot of emotions and feelings right now. Thanks Ian!

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                                                                                                   Price and Payment

We do our best to ensure that our courses/services are delivered as advertised or arranged with you. If you have booked at a special discounted rate, you must pay us the balance of the fee by the date specified in our confirmation email. To secure a place, you can either pay the full fee or pay a non-refundable deposit. You must pay us the full fee (or any outstanding balance) before the service/course begins. 

Vocatus Atque Non Vocatus Deus Aderit.


Telaesthetic Healing™ does not provide medical advice, neither diagnostic or prescriptive treatment for clients. The contents presented on our Telaesthetic Healing™ Website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please seek the out the counsel of your physician or additional qualified health care providers with any questions that you may have regarding any / all medical conditions. Energy Work follows an integrative approach with medicine and other health related modalities.